Support your English language learners with three options that offer NYSESLAT readiness. Whether you offer an integrated or stand alone ENL program, preparing your students for this assessment reduces anxiety and supports students reaching language proficiency.
- NYSESLAT Instructional Practice, structured just like the test
- Integrated skills lessons that integrate all 4 modalities to support language acquisition and NYSESLAT readiness.
- Preparation for the WIDA Access 2.0 assessment
Getting Ready for the NYSESLAT
Grades K–8, HS
Developed by Attanasio & Associates…now part of the Measuring Up programs
Prepare your students for the NYSESLAT with instructional practice that matches the test.- Grade-level instructional practice books aligned to the Bilingual Progressions provide maximum practice and student progress chart to track achievement
- Organized like the NYSESLAT with Speaking activities and 3 thematic units that integrate listening, reading, and writing.
- Separate speaking practice activities for all PLDs
- Broad-based Content Themes that integrate, Listening, Reading, and Writing modalities with 2 writing prompts (SCR and ECR) per unit
- Comprehensive Instructional Guide offers explicit guidance and instruction for activities in all PLDs and tracking charts.
Measuring Up for English Language Learners
Grades 1–8
Developed to assist students acquiring English to successfully meet the Targets of Measurement (ToMs) as assessed on the NYSESLAT. Instructional lessons target the five performance level descriptors (PLDs) and offers an integrated approach to language acquisition. Each of the four areas, reading, speaking, listening, and writing, are integrated throughout each lesson. Lessons include explicit instruction using paired literacy and informational passages. The student editions form the backbone of learning with unparalleled teacher support.
Student Editions offers
Developed to assist students acquiring English to successfully meet the Targets of Measurement (ToMs) as assessed on the NYSESLAT. Instructional lessons target the five performance level descriptors (PLDs) and offers an integrated approach to language acquisition. Each of the four areas, reading, speaking, listening, and writing, are integrated throughout each lesson. Lessons include explicit instruction using paired literacy and informational passages. The student editions form the backbone of learning with unparalleled teacher support.
Student Editions offers
- Language Acquisition Strategies
- Thematic Units
- Emphasis on Tier 1 and 2 Vocabulary
- NYSESLAT Practice
- Graphic Organizers
- Assessment Opportunities
- Support for Entering and Emerging PLD Students
- Instructional Scaffolds
NEW! Measuring Up Getting Ready for ELLs 2.0 Success
Grades 1–HS
Prepare your students for ACCESS for ELLs® 2.0 with instructional practice that addresses all WIDA® English Language Proficiency standards: Conversational Language and Academic Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics.
- Lessons include unparalleled teacher support for explicit instruction and test preparedness.
- Reduce text anxiety with items formatted like the ACCESS for ELLs® 2.0 tests: multiple choice, short and extended writing tasks, and oral response.
- Items are aligned three ways: to a WIDA® standard, a performance level, and a clearly defined objective.
- Audio links are included for all listening tasks.
- Build language confidence with ample supported practice.
Four thematic units of 10 lessons each align to academic content areas.
Grade-level instructional practice books designed to support language acquisition and test readiness.
Comprehensive Teacher Edition embraces scaffolded instruction for all PLDs: Entering, Emerging, Developing, Expanding, Bridging, and Reaching.
View Lesson Samples
(TOC, Student Lesson, and Annotated Teacher Edition Samples)
Click on the links below to view samples.